8 Helpful Study Apps for High School: for procrastination, habit-tracking, productivity

We’ve all experienced it - you’ve finally found a seat at the busy library. After unpacking all your things, getting comfy in your seat, rearranging your notebooks in alphabetical order and then all your pens in rainbow order, you crack open a textbook… to find yourself an hour later, deep down a Facebook scrolling rabbithole full of memes and content that is certainly not study related.

We’re all guilty of getting distracted by our phones. It’s also much easier said than done to lock our phone away so we can concentrate, or to de-activate social media accounts just so you’ll stop scrolling Instagram. But what if your phone can be used as an advantage or a companion to studying? Here are some apps to enable you to do just that.

1) Forest

Gamifying productivity, each time you sit down to work you can plant a tree in a virtual forest with this app. It’s very simple to use and combats procrastination well, and the paid version even lets you help plant trees in real life! This app is available on Google Chrome too so you can use it across devices. 

2) Study Bunny: Focus Timer

For a similar, cuter app, this app lets you keep a virtual rabbit to accompany you as you study. With an inbuilt to-do list, flashcards and tracker, you can even use this app offline allowing you to minimise distractions.

3) Quizlet

No need to write out physical flashcards anymore with this app. Use this app especially for practice questions (especially Science) or to memorise vocab for Language subjects. 

4) Egenda - School Planner & Assistant

With a super simple interface, you can easily keep track of your many assignments and homework tasks with this app. 

5) Google Calendar

This might be an obvious one, but there’s nothing more satisfying than having a calendar all decked out in colour coordinated tasks and events. Having a calendar synced across devices is super helpful, and means you can visually map out your time, even for extracurriculars and out of school commitments.

6) HabitBull Habit Tracker

Have goals you’d like to keep track of, such as sleeping before midnight or working out at least once a week? Keep track of the numbers with a habit tracker app lets you quickly add up what positive habits you’re on track for.

7) Daylio - Diary, Journal, Mood Tracker

This is another simple mood tracker that can help maintain statistics on how you’re feeling throughout the year. This tool can be helpful if you’re interested in maintaining your stress levels. After all, good mental health is just as important as physical health when it comes to acing exams!

8) SimpleMind

Mind maps are a great tool when it comes to subjects such as English, History or Visual Arts where you need to brainstorm ideas or essay structures. Keep it digitised with this app that can be used on desktop as well. 

With a bit more willpower and using the right tools, studying can be an enjoyable and manageable task.