The Perfect Study Space: 6 Tips when Studying or Working from Home during COVID-19

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As we are spending a lot more time indoors these days, learning to concentrate and study in your home environment is crucial to your academic success. Here are some things you should have to create your ideal study space.

A study space that’s NOT your bed.

While it may seem tempting to study in a place of rest (such as your bed, a couch, sofa, bean bag), this is actually detrimental to your study habits. It will cause you to become sleepier and get distracted easier when you force your subconscious to associate your resting spaces with work. It might also make you more stressed in times you set aside for sleeping or relaxing! See more tips on the importance of sleep here.

Writing pens

Do you prefer ballpoint or gel? 0.38 width or thicker? This may not seem important, but finding the perfect writing pen for you is actually very beneficial when preparing for exams. Trial different brands and pens to find what works for you. Also, try to find ones that are affordable or refillable - you will definitely be using up a LOT of pens. Using these pens at home will make it more comfortable for you when you do actual exams. Read here on how to finish exams faster.

Sticky notes or spare paper

You can never have too much stationery for note-taking. Some uses to consider include:

  • Jotting down to-do lists

  • Noting any questions that come up

  • For annotating textbooks or English books

Your favourite time planner tool (whether digital or physical)

Different planning tools work for different people. Some popular options include:

  • Google Calendar

  • Notion

  • A physical schedule

  • A bullet journal

Study apps

We know you’re likely to be reaching for your phone while you study… so why not use technology to your advantage? Find our picks of what apps can benefit your study here.

Stay hydrated with a beverage

Did you know a teenager should only have a maximum of 1 cup of coffee a day? Limit your caffeine intake so you aren’t dependent on it. Instead, always have a cup of water nearby to stay hydrated.